Drop your .png or .jpg files here!

Up to 20 images, max 5 MB each.

Sign up for TinyPNG Web Pro

Get your Pro account for the online drag and drop web interface!

  • Drag and drop more than 20 images at once
  • Upgrade 5 MB to 25 MB filesize limit
  • Show detailed statistics on the Analyzer tool
  • Lots of hugs from Panda George

Your Pro account will entitle you to a full year of compressing images with the drag and drop web interface. You can either sign up as an individual or with your entire team. Make sure everyone on the team has access to this mail address in case you are signing up as a team. You can cancel the automatic renewal of a subscription anytime.

WordPress, Magento or Developer API user and need to compress more? You can upgrade to the flexible plan.

Payments are securely handled by our payment partner Stripe. All prices include sales tax (VAT) when applicable.

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Panda just saved you
841 KB total

Smart PNG and JPEG compression

Optimize your images with a perfect balance in quality and file size.

What does TinyPNG do?

TinyPNG uses smart lossy compression techniques to reduce the file size of your PNG files. By selectively decreasing the number of colors in the image, fewer bytes are required to store the data. The effect is nearly invisible but it makes a very large difference in file size!

Why should I use TinyPNG?

PNG is useful because it’s the only widely supported format that can store partially transparent images. The format uses compression, but the files can still be large. Use TinyPNG to shrink images for your apps and sites. It will use less bandwidth and load faster.

Can anyone tell the difference?

Excellent question! Let me give you a side by side comparison. Below are two photos of my cousin. The left image is saved as 24-bit PNG directly from Adobe Photoshop. On the right is the same image processed by TinyPNG. Spot any difference?

Original file
Original transparent PNG
File size: 57 KB
Compressed transparent PNG file
Shrunk transparent PNG
File size: 15 KB

How does it work?

Excellent question! When you upload a PNG (Portable Network Graphics) file, similar colors in your image are combined. This technique is called “quantization”. By reducing the number of colors, 24-bit PNG files can be converted to much smaller 8-bit indexed color images. All unnecessary metadata is stripped too. The result: better PNG files with 100% support for transparency. Have your cake and eat it too!

In the above image the file size is reduced by more than 70%. I have excellent eyesight but can’t spot the difference either! Use the optimized image to save bandwidth and loading time and your website visitors will thank you.

Is it supported everywhere?

Excellent question! The files produced by TinyPNG are displayed perfectly on all modern browsers including mobile devices. Still need to support Internet Explorer 6? It normally ignores PNG transparency and displays a solid background color. With TinyPNG the background becomes transparent again. Binary transparency without any workarounds!

Is it safe to use animated PNG?

Excellent question! Chrome, Firefox and Safari all support APNG. Google added their support in Chrome 59 only just recently in June 2017 so it is expected that the format will really start to take off from now! It only leaves Microsoft Edge and we can vote for their support.

Apple added animated stickers to iMessage with the release of iOS 10. If you want to create and compress stickers under 500 KB take a look at the iMessage Panda sticker example on Github.

What about Photoshop?

Excellent question! Only Photoshop CC 2015 and 2017 can save images as indexed PNG files with alpha transparency. With other versions it is impossible and Photoshop CS5 cannot even display them properly.

You can use Save for Web to export your images as 24-bit transparent PNG files and upload them to TinyPNG. We’ll convert them to tiny indexed PNG files. You can also install the TinyPNG Photoshop plugin. It allows you to scale, preview and save compressed PNG and JPEG images straight from Photoshop.

Why did you create TinyPNG?

Excellent question! We frequently use PNG images, but were frustrated with the load times. We created TinyPNG in our quest to make our own websites faster and more fun to use with the best compression. In 2014 we added intelligent compression for JPEG images and in 2016 we added support for animated PNG. Compressing images with the website is free for everyone and without advertising, and we like to keep it that way! If you like TinyPNG please contribute by making a donation.

Trusted by thousands of companies around the world

Try TinyPNG with a new browser

TinyPNG is created for modern browers with HTML5 & CSS3 support. We have not tried it out in other browsers. The site may work, or it may not. If you see this message you may want to try a different browser!